Journal articles

1. "Flying below the radar: Insider trading by executives below the top"
with Hans K. Hvide. January 2025.
Forthcoming, Journal of Financial Economics.
2. "Personal costs of executive turnovers"
October 2024.
Forthcoming, Journal of Finance.
3. "Gender differences in negotiation: Evidence from the real estate market"
with Steffen Andersen, Julie Marx, and Lise Vesterlund
The Economic Journal 137 (8), 2304-2332. August 2021.
4. "Spillovers in prices: The curious case of haunted houses"
with Utpal Bhattacharya and Daisy Huang
Review of Finance 25 (3), 903-935. May 2021.
5. "Does personal liability deter individuals from serving as independent directors?"
with S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan
Journal of Financial Economics 140 (2), 621-643. May 2021.
6. "Sources of inaction in household finance: Evidence from the Danish mortgage market"
with Steffen Andersen, John Y. Campbell, and Tarun Ramadorai
American Economic Review 110 (10), 3184–3230. October 2020.
7. "Once bitten, twice shy: The power of personal experiences in risk taking"
with Steffen Andersen and Tobin Hanspal
Journal of Financial Economics 132 (3), 97-117. June 2019.
8. "Fire sales and house prices: Evidence from estate sales due to sudden death"
with Steffen Andersen
Management Science 63 (1), 201-212. January 2017.
9. "What death can tell: Are executives paid for their contribution to firm value?"
with Bang Dang Nguyen
Management Science 60 (12), 2994-3010. December 2014.
10. "Ability or finances as constraints on entrepreneurship? Evidence from survival rates in a natural experiment"
with Steffen Andersen
Review of Financial Studies 25 (12), 3684-3710. December 2012.
11. "Private contracting and corporate governance: Evidence from the provision of tag-along rights in Brazil"
with Morten Bennedsen and Thomas V. Nielsen
Journal of Corporate Finance 18 (4), 904-918. September 2012.
12. "The return to pension funds' private equity investments: New evidence on the private equity premium puzzle"
European Financial Management 17 (3), 436-463. June 2011.
13. "Participation constraints in the stock market: Evidence from unexpected inheritance due to sudden death"
with Steffen Andersen
Review of Financial Studies 24 (5), 1667-1697. May 2011.
14. "The value of independent directors: Evidence from sudden deaths"
with Bang Dang Nguyen
Journal of Financial Economics 89 (3), 550-567. December 2010.
15. "Incentive and entrenchment effects in European ownership"
with Morten Bennedsen
Journal of Banking and Finance 34 (9), 2212-2229. September 2010.
16. "The causal effect of board size in the performance of small and medium-sized firms"
with Morten Bennedsen and Hans Christian Kongsted
Journal of Banking and Finance 32 (6), 1098-1109. June 2008.
17. "Institutional investors and private equity"
Review of Finance 12 (1), 185-219. January 2008.
18. "Inside the family firm: The role of families in succession decisions and performance"
with Morten Bennedsen, Francisco Perez-Gonzalez, and Daniel Wolfenzon
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (2), 647-691. May 2007.
19. "The impact of a break-through rule on European firms"
with Morten Bennedsen
European Journal of Law and Economics 17 (3), 259-283. May 2004.

Working papers

20. "A breath of change: Can personal exposures drive green preferences?"
with F.Z.F. Adib, S. Andersen and D. Chebotarev. June 2024.
21. "Rich and responsible: Is ESG a luxury good?"
with F.Z.F. Adib, S. Andersen and D. Chebotarev. May 2024.
Revise and resubmit, Journal of Finance.
22. "Disqualifying managerialmisconduct in corporate bankruptcy"
with D. Kang and S.L. Naaraayanan. May 2024.
23. "Extrapolators and contrarians: Forecast bias and individual investor stock trading"
with S. Andersen, S. Dimmock, and K. Peijnenburg. March 2023.
24. "Betting on the CEO"
with U. Bhattacharya and Y.N. Chau. February 2023.
25. "Winds of Change: Gender Quota on Boards in the face of Patriarchy"
with S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan. April 2021.
26. "Stakes and mistakes"
with Steffen Andersen and Abhiroop Mukherjee. March 2020.
27. "Beliefs and the Disposition Effect"
with Steffen Andersen, Tobin Hanspal, and Jimmy Martinez Correa. September 2020.
Revise and resubmit, Management Science.
28. "Loan to value limits and house prices"
September 2019.
29. "Do financial misconduct experiences spur white collar crime?"
with Seffen Andersen and Tobin Hanspal. November 2018.
30. "When blockholders leave feet first: Do ownership and control affect value?"
with Bang Dang Nguyen. June 2013.