1. | "Flying below the radar: Insider trading by executives below the top" with Hans K. Hvide. January 2025. Forthcoming, Journal of Financial Economics. |
2. | "Personal costs of executive turnovers" October 2024. Forthcoming, Journal of Finance. |
3. | "Gender differences in negotiation: Evidence from the real estate market" with Steffen Andersen, Julie Marx, and Lise Vesterlund The Economic Journal 137 (8), 2304-2332. August 2021. |
4. | "Spillovers in prices: The curious case of haunted houses" with Utpal Bhattacharya and Daisy Huang Review of Finance 25 (3), 903-935. May 2021. |
5. | "Does personal liability deter individuals from serving as independent directors?" with S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan Journal of Financial Economics 140 (2), 621-643. May 2021. |
6. | "Sources of inaction in household finance: Evidence from the Danish mortgage market" with Steffen Andersen, John Y. Campbell, and Tarun Ramadorai American Economic Review 110 (10), 3184–3230. October 2020. |
7. | "Once bitten, twice shy: The power of personal experiences in risk taking" with Steffen Andersen and Tobin Hanspal Journal of Financial Economics 132 (3), 97-117. June 2019. |
8. | "Fire sales and house prices: Evidence from estate sales due to sudden death" with Steffen Andersen Management Science 63 (1), 201-212. January 2017. |
9. | "What death can tell: Are executives paid for their contribution to firm value?" with Bang Dang Nguyen Management Science 60 (12), 2994-3010. December 2014. |
10. | "Ability or finances as constraints on entrepreneurship? Evidence from survival rates in a natural experiment" with Steffen Andersen Review of Financial Studies 25 (12), 3684-3710. December 2012. |
11. | "Private contracting and corporate governance: Evidence from the provision of tag-along rights in Brazil" with Morten Bennedsen and Thomas V. Nielsen Journal of Corporate Finance 18 (4), 904-918. September 2012. |
12. | "The return to pension funds' private equity investments: New evidence on the private equity premium puzzle" European Financial Management 17 (3), 436-463. June 2011. |
13. | "Participation constraints in the stock market: Evidence from unexpected inheritance due to sudden death" with Steffen Andersen Review of Financial Studies 24 (5), 1667-1697. May 2011. |
14. | "The value of independent directors: Evidence from sudden deaths" with Bang Dang Nguyen Journal of Financial Economics 89 (3), 550-567. December 2010. |
15. | "Incentive and entrenchment effects in European ownership" with Morten Bennedsen Journal of Banking and Finance 34 (9), 2212-2229. September 2010. |
16. | "The causal effect of board size in the performance of small and medium-sized firms" with Morten Bennedsen and Hans Christian Kongsted Journal of Banking and Finance 32 (6), 1098-1109. June 2008. |
17. | "Institutional investors and private equity" Review of Finance 12 (1), 185-219. January 2008. |
18. | "Inside the family firm: The role of families in succession decisions and performance" with Morten Bennedsen, Francisco Perez-Gonzalez, and Daniel Wolfenzon The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (2), 647-691. May 2007. |
19. | "The impact of a break-through rule on European firms" with Morten Bennedsen European Journal of Law and Economics 17 (3), 259-283. May 2004. |
20. | "A breath of change: Can personal exposures drive green preferences?" with F.Z.F. Adib, S. Andersen and D. Chebotarev. June 2024. |
21. | "Rich and responsible: Is ESG a luxury good?" with F.Z.F. Adib, S. Andersen and D. Chebotarev. May 2024. Revise and resubmit, Journal of Finance. |
22. | "Disqualifying managerialmisconduct in corporate bankruptcy" with D. Kang and S.L. Naaraayanan. May 2024. |
23. | "Extrapolators and contrarians: Forecast bias and individual investor stock trading" with S. Andersen, S. Dimmock, and K. Peijnenburg. March 2023. |
24. | "Betting on the CEO" with U. Bhattacharya and Y.N. Chau. February 2023. |
25. | "Winds of Change: Gender Quota on Boards in the face of Patriarchy" with S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan. April 2021. |
26. | "Stakes and mistakes" with Steffen Andersen and Abhiroop Mukherjee. March 2020. |
27. | "Beliefs and the Disposition Effect" with Steffen Andersen, Tobin Hanspal, and Jimmy Martinez Correa. September 2020. Revise and resubmit, Management Science. |
28. | "Loan to value limits and house prices" September 2019. |
29. | "Do financial misconduct experiences spur white collar crime?" with Seffen Andersen and Tobin Hanspal. November 2018. |
30. | "When blockholders leave feet first: Do ownership and control affect value?" with Bang Dang Nguyen. June 2013. |